Analysis of the Operating Efficiency of Mobile Operators During the 2002 to 2008 Period


Roux Martínez Felix, Ruiz Lopez Felipe, Eguren Santos. 2012. Analysis of the Operating Efficiency of Mobile Operators During the 2002 to 2008 Period. XVI Congreso de Ingeniería de Organización , pag. 393-400. Vigo.


This article aims to quantify the efficiency of mobile operators in Spain and other European countries such as France and Germany. The period considered is from 2002 to 2008. Linear regression is used to analyze the relationship between growth in revenue and gross operating margin (EBITDA) generated by the relevant operators and the aggregate industry in each country. At the industry level, it is shown that (i) there is a strong correlation between revenue and margin; and (ii) this correlation weakens when competitive intensity grows. At the operator level, those which achieved larger increases in revenues did not sacrifice their margins, but offset the additional investments and costs required to achieve said growth through economies of scale.


(cio2012)XVI Congreso de Ingeniería de Organización


EN-04. Business Administration & Strategy

Palabras Clave

  • Mobile telecommunications
  • oligopoly
  • economies of scale
  • inear regression
  • operational efficiency