Safety management models in manufacturing companies.


Carrillo JA, Guadix J, Onieva L. 2012. Safety management models in manufacturing companies. XVI Congreso de Ingeniería de Organización , pag. 603-610. Vigo.


In Spain, companies can decide how to manage safety. Although most safety activities are mandatory, the management model can be decided in some extend by each company. Not all models have the same effectiveness according to their preventive practices and injury rates. This study applies a discrimination model in order to determine which reasons and circumstances make a company adopt a certain safety model or a safety management system. Results can be used in public promotion programs oriented to convince managers of the benefits of implementing safety management systems with internal preventive resources instead of subcontracting an external preventive service.


(cio2012)XVI Congreso de Ingeniería de Organización


EN-08. Management Systems

Palabras Clave

  • Safety Management
  • Manufacturing Sector
  • Organizational Factors
  • Preventive Services