Ações de Sustentabilidade em Empresas de Construção Pesada do Setor de Infraestrutura no Brasil
Sustainability Actions in Heavy Construction Companies on Infrastructure Sector in Brazil


Luís Arruda, Osvaldo Luiz Gonçalves Quelhas, Gilson Lima Brito, Luis Perez Zotes, Fernanda Gomes de Azevedo. 2012. Ações de Sustentabilidade em Empresas de Construção Pesada do Setor de Infraestrutura no Brasil \n Sustainability Actions in Heavy Construction Companies on Infrastructure Sector in Brazil. XVI Congreso de Ingeniería de Organización , pag. 1081-1088. Vigo.


(English) This study presents an analysis of sustainability actions in Brazilian companies that operate in heavy construction. This is a bibliographical study, exploratory and documentary made in sustainability reports published by companies that use the technique of documentary analysis to develop a presentation on the process of business models, conceptual matrices and people management of these companies.


(cio2012)XVI Congreso de Ingeniería de Organización


SP-03. Gestión de la Calidad, la Seguirdad, el Medio Ambiente y la Resposabilidad Social

Palabras Clave

  • Heavy Construction
  • Sustainability Report
  • People Management