Evolução Conceitual – Histórica da Responsabilidade Social Corporativa: Uma Revisão de Literatura Conceptual-
Historical Evolution of Corporate Social Responsibility: A Literature Review


Quelhas OLG, Filho JRF, Lima GBA, França SLB, Meiriño MJ. 2012. Evolução Conceitual – Histórica da Responsabilidade Social Corporativa: Uma Revisão de Literatura Conceptual- \n Historical Evolution of Corporate Social Responsibility: A Literature Review. XVI Congreso de Ingeniería de Organización , pag. 1089-1096. Vigo.


(English) Corporate social responsibility (CSR) has its beginnings linked to different concepts relating to the responsibility between the organization and the various interested parties (stakeholders) to their business. The aim of this paper is to analyze possible correlations between the theoretical and historical conceptual view of corporate social responsibility and its relationship with the research on both the motivational principles of social responsibility as well as the model of motivational systems proposed by Graves (1974; 1971).


(cio2012)XVI Congreso de Ingeniería de Organización


SP-03. Gestión de la Calidad, la Seguirdad, el Medio Ambiente y la Resposabilidad Social

Palabras Clave

  • Corporate Social Responsibility
  • Organizational Behavior
  • Organizational Values