The role strategy-as-practice and model 4i of organizational learning in deepening understanding of top management influence in the process of strategic organizational learning


Olga Elena Cabrera Santacana. 2008. The role strategy-as-practice and model 4i of organizational learning in deepening understanding of top management influence in the process of strategic organizational learning. XII Congreso de Ingeniería de Organización , pag. 983-992. Burgos.


In this article we want to discuss about the role of top management in the process of strategic organizational learning through the framework of strategy-as-practice and the model 4i of organizational learning of Crossan, Lane and White (1999). Managers have a set of core beliefs and assumptions which are specific and relevant to the organization in which they work and which are learned over time. To arrive at an optimal goal or an optimal strategy performance, organization should avoid political behavior, in which different interests of groups are traded inevitably and creates unproductive conflict and wastes time avoiding strategic organizational learning. Broadly, the aim is to encourage to step back and to open up discussion to understand practices of top management and how do they strategize during a process of strategic change. To adapt to a global world we need to integrate change in our practices continuously, which means strategic organizational learning will be also important to be integrated and will give bases to organizations to survive and to obtain competitive advantage sustainable over time. Keywords: Organizational learning, strategy practice, strategizing.


(cio2008)XII Congreso de Ingeniería de Organización


Knowledge Management and Learning